Extraordinary Support for Summer 2022
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$2,370 raised$5,000 goal
Raised by 20 people in 2 years
The Fernwood Cove Foundation (FCF) is a 501c3 non-profit and was formed to offer camperships to families who need financial assistance to help their child attend Fernwood Cove. The FCF's vision is to support all families who request such assistance. We are able to do so thanks to generous donors who contribute to our campership fund.

Please consider making a gift to support camperships for Fernwood Cove. Your gift will make a lasting impact on the lives of our campers.

For a minimum donation of $25, we want to share with you a limited edition Pura Vida friendship bracelet custom made for Fernwood Cove. Our Fernwood Cove family is located all over the world and we are excited to unite through these symbols of friendship. Camp is not camp without friendship bracelets.